Don''t get me wrong, I''m not referring to cross-gen releases but Sony''s older console is nine years old.
Personally, I''m happy that Square Enix didn''t adhere to these PS4 plans for Final Fantasy 16. "In Final Fantasy 16, you jump straight from story cutscenes into real-time battles and back again without any loading times, making the gameplay flow at a breakneck pace." "I''m worried that if Square Enix had gone for a last-gen release, it''d be extremely constrained." The producer also expressed his admiration for Sony''s latest console''s graphical capabilities and "super-fast loading times." "We can make Final Fantasy 16 the roller-coaster ride that it is," he said. Speaking to the PlayStation Blog (opens in a new tab), the producer expressed praise for the PS5''s abilities. This isn''t the only interview Yoshida''s given about Final Fantasy 16 recently. Final Fantasy 16 sounds like a true next-gen experience. As it stands, there are some notable PS5 console exclusives on the way, including Forspoken and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Square Enix is still planning several cross-generation releases, including a recently announced Crisis Core remaster, but the Japanese publisher is gradually moving toward the new generation. This is because I wanted to make a trailer by retracing what I might enjoy as a game experience." I might have had the prototype once, but it would be a waste of development man-hours, and I didn''t want to do that. "I had a concept for releasing this on PlayStation 4, so I was worried that I wouldn''t improve the quality. Final Fantasy 16 is slated to be one of the PS5''s most popular releases, but according to producer Naoki Yoshida, it might''ve been on PS4.įollowing the release of FF16''s latest trailer during Sony''s State of Play earlier this month, Yoshida said the game took a different approach, mainly because a PS4 release was being considered.