
Members of the james gang
Members of the james gang

They got members that make money through various ways such as drugs or robberies.”

members of the james gang

But there are many other roles members play within their own area, such as the gang banger who is the poster child for one's set. “For one, the original concept and mission of street gangs was to keep outsiders and rival enemies and different races away from committing various crimes in one neighborhood. “There are many roles gangs play in a neighborhood,” James II explains. Its members and bosses are viewed as part of the community and forces for both good and evil. For youngsters growing up in the decades since, these well-established gangs are part of the neighborhood like certain mom and pop stores. James II can be seen in the photo on the right holding a photograph of Crips founder Raymond Washington. “The Notorious 4 Corner Bloc Crips was originally established in the early 1960s as the Squarehood Crips and later changed its name to 4 Corner Bloc Crips in the early 1980's,” James II tells Gangsters Inc.

  • READ: California Crip went from selling drugs to funding his own career as an author.
  • He got jumped in – got his ass kicked by fellow gang members during the initiation ceremony – at the age of 16 and joined the Notorious 4 Corner Bloc Crips, which operated on the Northside of the Long Beach County borderline of Compton, surrounded by Southside Crips and Neighborhood Compton Crips. Murders, drugs, prostitution, and crime were an everyday thing. Stanley James II grew up in a tough neighborhood in North Long Beach on the borderline of Compton in California. What is it like growing up surrounded by gangs? Crips member-turned-successful author Stanley James II shares his experiences with Gangsters Inc. From the East to the West, in big cities and the suburbs gangs have become an integral part of the social fabric of America.

    members of the james gang

    There are over 26 thousand gangs with around 750 thousand members in the United States.

    Members of the james gang